Our Mission
Our mission is to engage, inspire and empower young people and communities to actively participate in local development, based on LEADER principles. We aim to promote partnership, cooperation and inter-sectoral synergy, striving for a sustainable and harmonious future for the area.
Our Vision
To create a vibrant and sustainable network of communities where every young person can express their leadership, innovation and creativity, strengthening local identity and promoting long-term social and economic growth.

Start Your Leadership Journey
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Join us and discover learning that changes the rules! On our platform you will gain not only knowledge about LEADER, but also the tools to help you create the changes of tomorrow.

After completing the courses
you will be able to

You will gain a deep understanding of the LEADER program principles and the ability to apply them in a real-world setting. By applying this knowledge, you will become a changemaker in your community, promoting well-being and innovation. Additionally, by demonstrating leadership and creativity, you will be able to inspire and be an example for others who seek positive change.
Initiate Change
Become a Leader
Promote Sustainability and Innovation