About us

Our Journey with LEADER

We are a team inspired by the LEADER program – an innovative European Union initiative dedicated to rural development. Our mission began with a desire to empower communities to create their own future. LEADER is more than a program – it is a vision of how local communities can become the architects of their own success, based on partnership, innovation, and local-level approaches.

Bottom-Up Philosophy

Our philosophy is based on a bottom-up methodology. We believe that every solution that emerges from a community's own dialogue and collaboration is stronger and more meaningful. Our role here is to be a source of support and inspiration, providing communities with the knowledge and tools they need to turn their ideas into real projects.

Commitment to Including the Next Generation

We are particularly proud of our commitment to including young people in this process. Young people are the leaders of tomorrow who will have a decisive impact on shaping the future of communities. By involving them, we not only empower them to develop and grow, but we also ensure that the LEADER principles will continue into the future. Our platform is designed to be not only a learning tool but also a space to share experiences, insights, and create new collaboration opportunities.

Our Commitment to Communities

We are committed to providing not only knowledge but also building a strong network of communities. Everyone who joins us becomes part of a larger vision – to strengthen local communities through knowledge, collaboration, and innovation. We are here to help you find your unique voice and place in the LEADER program, together shaping a brighter and more sustainable future for local communities.

Join us on our journey to build stronger, more vibrant rural communities!



After completing the courses
you will be able to

You will gain a deep understanding of the LEADER program principles and the ability to apply them in a real-world setting. By applying this knowledge, you will become a changemaker in your community, promoting well-being and innovation. Additionally, by demonstrating leadership and creativity, you will be able to inspire and be an example for others who seek positive change.
Initiate Change
Become a Leader
Promote Sustainability and Innovation